Special refractory materials with high resistances against chemical attack.

Gunning isolating concretes.
Dense high cement content concrete applied by gunning or manual patching.

Medium cement content refractory concretes applied by gunning or manual patching.

Low cement content thixotropic concretes applied by vibrocasting.

Low cement content thixotropic concretes with high performances applied by gunning or patching.

Low cement content thixotropic concretes applied by shotcreting (wet way). High performance and short application times.

Thixotropic concretes with high resistance to abrasion and wear in a wide range of temperatures, applied by casting and vibration, selfflowing or gunning.

Non cement content thixotropic concretes with high performances applied by gunning or patching.

Rigid and flexible pannels based in pyrogenic silica with excellent insulating properties due to its extremely low thermal conductivity. With thicknesses between 3 and 50mm to apply at temperatures up to 1050° C.

- The technical department of REYMA Reotix has special technology, facilities and a very strict quality controls for the manufacture of formed parts. This allows us to provide the excellence of our formed or vibrocast parts to our customers.
- Made with our refractory concretes by vibrocasting (metal, wood or disposable poliexpán molds) and temperized in an electric furnace (600ºCc) or sinterized (1500 ° C) in a gas furnace.
- Burner blocks, muffles, special bricks, hearth pieces, piqueras output portaresistencias parts, portatapones and portabuzas Steelworks, ceramic anchors, etc.

Comprehensive installation service includes specialized monitoring, management and execution of any project through our staff.